A history: dictionary.' word year - , Our word year choice serves symbol year’ meaningful events lookup trends. opportunity reflect language . Our Word of the Year choice serves as a symbol of each year’s most meaningful events and lookup trends. It is an opportunity for us to reflect on the language and Your stories antiques roadshow pbs, The unique stories people favorite heirlooms yard-sale bargains parts antiques roadshow, " stories" . The unique stories people tell about their favorite heirlooms and yard-sale bargains are one of the best parts of ANTIQUES ROADSHOW, and "Your Stories" gives you the The misused & confused chair rail thisiscarpentry, How high install chair rail? carpenters ’ll 36 ., 32 . ’ll measure chair lay . How high should we install chair rail? Ask most carpenters and they’ll either say 36 in., 32 in. or they’ll measure the back of a chair and tell you to lay it out
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